We are constantly working to provide our patrons with the best resources in order to educate, inform and increase awareness. If you are looking for the latest research, reports and scholarly researches, we can help.

The Horn of Africa Community in Belfast A Needs Assessment April 2012 Report

This research identifies and assesses the social and economic needs of individuals from the Horn of Africa (Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan) currently living in Belfast.

Our Core Objectives

  • Develop Initatives

    To develop independent initiatives that foster autonomy and participation among Horn of Africa individuals

  • Raise Awareness

    To raise awareness within public services so they are able to respond flexibly to the needs of individuals from the Horn of Africa and beyond

  • Challenge Intolerance

    To challenge intolerance towards individuals from African communities in Northern Ireland

  • Develop Support

    To develop mutual support between Horn of Africa individuals, refugees, asylum seekers and their dependants, and members of the “host” community

  • Raise Funds

    To raise funds and resources for education and health-related projects in the Horn of Africa countries

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